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Let's Learn More

Below, we've listed some of the questions and misconceptions we've heard around town while discussing the components of this project. If you have a question that isn't answered here, let us know and we can share the answer.

General FAQ
  • The South Village is the area south of the heart of downtown Zionsville, west of 421, and north of Old 106th, and east of 2nd Street.

  • The South Village will include new office, retail, housing, and a realigned (and more efficient) Main Street from 1st to Zionsville Road at Eagle Creek.

  • The Town of Zionsville has been studying this area of town for nearly two decades. By taking this action, it protects the Town's vision and culture and establishes strict standards for future development.

  • Absolutely! A key part of this plan is to incorporate safe connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists with trails from this important area of town to the Village and Lions Park.

  • New residential options are a key component to the plan. Upon approval, this will be zoned for various types of residential development serving those just entering the housing market to seniors.

  • We're excited to share that part of this plan reworks a surface parking lot into a gathering place for the community to host family-friendly activities throughout the year. In addition, the PUD land use code allows for entertainment uses.

  • No problem. His speech is available by clicking here

  • We're glad you're on board! We'd love for you to reach out to your council member and encourage them to vote in favor of this important project. Your voice is also welcomed in the conversation as it moves through the approval process within Town Hall and on social media.

  • The renderings represent an artist's interpretation of how a public plaza could be designed.  We greatly appreciate their creativity and talent but also recognize that these images do not necessarily represent the design aesthetic that emulates Zionsville's culture and historic authenticity.  Our next step is to hire a design team to begin designing the plaza in a way that aligns with our precedent pictures and history.

  • The town has no intention of tearing down the Friendly Tavern (or any other buildings for that matter)! It is an iconic establishment in our community and has been Main Street mainstay for more than 150 years. We hope it serves Zionsville for 150 more!

  • You bet! We're excited to have more events like this in this area in the future.

  • The Town will not be tearing down buildings. Private owners may choose to maximize their property as they wish, but only as it conforms to the protections within the town-led PUD.

  • Absolutely not. In fact, this project is designed to protect the bricks and the area around the Village Business District.

  • The Brick Street Inn is considering expansion on Main and Pine Streets to significantly add to its number of rooms. The owner is working through options on how best to use the Inn's footprint and available land to create a more welcoming presence in Zionsville.

  • No, Main Street will not be pedestrian only. Our small businesses in the village thrive when there is access to ample parking and on-street options are key to that success.

Financing / TIF
  • Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a tool used by local governments to fund public infrastructure improvements or development projects in a specific area. Here's how it works:


    Imagine an area in Zionsville that needs some revitalization or improvements, like new roads, utilities, or parks. Under state law, the Town of Zionsville can designate this area as a TIF district. They then calculate the total net assessed valuation from that area. This amount is called the "base value."


    As the area gets improved through TIF-funded projects, property values in the district are expected to increase over time. The  tax revenue generated from those increased property values (above the base value) is called the "increment." This increment is captured and diverted into a special fund that can only be used to pay for the improvements and development within that TIF district.


    The Town, schools, library and county are still able to collect the same property tax levy as they would have otherwise and will not see a reduction in revenue due to the TIF.  You see, the maximum property tax budget for each of these units under state law is calculated based upon what a unit billed (or levied) the prior year plus an additional amount set by the state based upon state-wide non-farm income growth. This year that amount is set at 4% across the state.


    So, the tax revenue paid on the new investment is reinvested directly back into the TIF district to offset portions of the redevelopment process. The idea is that these improvements will attract more investment and further increase property values, creating a cycle of redevelopment and economic growth in that area.

  • None. TIF funding is not directly incorporated into the process of passing a PUD (Planned Unit Development). Here's the distinction:


    A PUD is a zoning tool that establishes a unified plan for development in a specific area. It outlines things like permitted land uses, density, building design, and infrastructure requirements. The PUD process involves public hearings, approvals from the local government, and adherence to certain development standards.


    TIF, on the other hand, is a separate financing mechanism that a municipality can choose to use (or not use) within a PUD district. If the local government wants to use TIF to fund public improvements within the PUD, they would need to go through the process of establishing a TIF district and setting up the funding structure.


    So, while a PUD provides the overall development plan and guidelines, the decision to use TIF to help finance that development is a separate process that happens independently. TIF funding is not automatically included or required when approving a PUD.

  • Residents should not be concerned that the Zionsville School district or any other unit of local government will be adversely affected if the Town of Zionsville uses Tax Increment Financing (TIF) for development projects. Here's why:

    TIF does not reduce the amount of revenue for any of these units, including schools: The Town, schools, library and county are still able to collect the same property tax levy as they would have otherwise and will not see a reduction in revenue due to the TIF.  You see, the maximum property tax budget for each of these units under state law is calculated based upon what a unit billed (or levied) the prior year plus an additional amount set by the state based upon state-wide non-farm income growth. This year that amount is set at 4% across the state.


    • The TIF district captures additional revenue on the incremental assessed valuation from the improvements and new development within the district. These new improvements also pay any school referendum taxes directly to Zionsville Schools, leading to additional referendum dollars generated for the schools.

    • Long-term economic growth potential:  Successful redevelopment projects within the TIF district can lead to significant long-term growth in property values reducing pressure on tax rates. Once the TIF district expires (after 25 years), the full assessed value will then be added to keep tax rates low for the schools and other taxing districts.

    • Indirect benefits to schools and taxpayers: The infrastructure improvements, new amenities, and development resulting from TIF projects can make the area more attractive for residents and further commercial development. This can drive further growth and investment, ultimately benefiting the schools and taxpayers through an expanded tax base, diversifying the tax base so that school operating, and referendum budget are paid for by a larger commercial tax base and not just residential taxpayers.


    The long-term benefits of successful redevelopment projects, along with legal protections and oversight, ensure that Zionsville Schools and taxpayers will see impacts for years to come.

  • While the traffic configuration here is an important part of Zionsville's future, it isn't a part of this PUD and is a separate process currently under study. 

  • Residents and visitors rave about the authenticity of the Village and we plan to incorporate that sense of place in the new development taking place in the South Village.

  • Our engineering team is looking into all utilities in the designated area. As we get closer to the realignment of Main Street, south of Sycamore Street, we will work with all the stakeholders to make sure utilities are accommodated. We are in the early stages of this process and will know more as the work proceeds.

Project Details
  • This plan protects the Village feel with a maximum building height of three stories in the area between Eagle Creek and the Village. For a full view of the maximum building heights in this PUD, click here.

  • The South Village will be home to new restaurants, retail stores, and flexible office spaces. It will also support a new neighborhood with safe and easy access to the existing Brick Street Business District.

  • The town does not plan to dictate if, or where, businesses relocate. It will be up to private owners to decide how to manage their business interests in light of new development in and around the Village.

  • A component of this plan makes way for a parking structure with restaurants and retail incorporated near downtown Zionsville. It's important that we continue to make it easy for people to visit and enjoy the Village! It's important to note that all new development in the South Village area will be parking neutral - they will be required to provide parking for any new planned development.

  • It's apples and oranges. The people that will choose to live in South Village will ideally want to live, work, and play within a few block radius. The people living at the Farm do not necessarily want the same experience.

  • A rising tide lifts all boats! This PUD strategically brings more residents and visitors within walking distance of the Village, giving local business owners more customers and more opportunity to increase their profits and expand their businesses.

  • The Town is not planning on using eminent domain in this project.

  • South Village will be built in stages, so that access to our historic downtown business district is not interrupted. This includes making sure that people can drive from the south and not be restricted from getting to the restaurants and stores they love.


Myth Busting
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